The Therapist
A Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist might have completed a several-hundred hour training program specifically in this modality, or might be a Licensed Massage Therapist or Physical Therapist who has taken additional intensive training based on the works of Travell and Simons. They may be affiliated with the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists (NAMTPT) or Neil-Asher, and should have either a CMTPT or MTPT credential, and use the complete protocol for treatment of myofascial pain due to trigger points.
The Protocol
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is not simply knowing where to find a trigger point and poking it with a needle or an elbow, but a complete protocol for treating myofascial pain and dysfunction at its source, so that its resolution is not merely temporary. This protocol includes the following:
- Differential diagnosis
- Comprehensive patient history
- Pain mapping
- Range of motion evaluation
- Postural analysis
- Identification of perpetuating factors
- Correction of perpetuating factors
- Manual or other techniques to treat myofascial pain and dysfunction
- Personalized patient stretch rehabilitation program
- Patient education
If your therapist is not helping you to identify and address all perpetuating factors, or not showing you corrective actions for your particular issues, he or she is not effectively performing Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy.