Special Considerations

Fibromyalgia patients

Have you been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, or do you suspect you might have it?  The three main criteria are:

  • Widespread and persistent pain for at least 2 months
  • Fatigue that has lasted for at least 2 months
  • Non-restorative sleep (regardless of how much you sleep, you often wake up feeling unrefreshed)

Another sign is widespread hypersensitivity.  You are more likely to have fibromyalgia if you are female: 80-90% of fibromyalgia patients are women.

If you have had these symptoms for less than two months, or if your pain is not as widespread, it is possible that you have myofascial pain syndrome.  Both are treatable with Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy.


Covid is still a serious health risk for many people, and I take your health and safety seriously.  My office is open to fully vaccinated and boosted patients wearing N95s.  I can not see unvaccinated patients in person.  If you have been exposed to Covid-19, please do not make an appointment until your risk has cleared.

If you would like to enjoy safe, contactless pain relief, tel-appointments via Facetime or WhatsApp provide the benefits of in-person treatment with none of the Covid-19 risks.  Understand what causes and perpetuates your pain, and learn the home self-care version of myofascial trigger point therapy to get freedom from pain for yourself and your family members in the privacy and safety of your own home.  Call for details.

Special Medical Conditions

I may ask persons with a complex medical history to check with their physician to be sure that Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is an acceptable and appropriate treatment for you.  This would eliminate complications, or indicate laser therapy only, if you have any condition which pressure would exacerbate, such as a fracture, aneurism or clot, osteoporosis, brittle bone disease, Lupus, hip replacement, or if you take blood thinners such as Warfarin/Coumadin.

Nursing mothers…

…are welcome!  If therapy is your chance to be baby-free for an hour of self-care and restoration, wonderful!  …but if leaving baby behind is more stressful than relaxing, or means forgoing bodywork altogether, by all means bring your baby.  I recognize that a nursing mother and baby are a symbiotic unit and either can be better understood clinically when seen together.  Come just the two of you or bring along an extra pair of helping hands.

Overweight patients…

…are supported here.  I will  treat you with acceptance, sensitivity and respect.  You will not be judged or lectured to,  your intelligence will not be questioned, and I will take your complaints seriously.

LGBTQ+ patients…

…are welcome here.  I will listen to you and treat you with acceptance, sensitivity and respect.  I support your identity and choices, and take your complaints seriously.